Dear Jyotisha,
I will try to bring you some interesting insights in the life and successful career of my childhood sports hero Diego Maradona. The birth details are obtained from the reliable source at this link,_Diego
Those who wish to contest this detail are advised to check with Astro Dienst and I don’t take any responsibility for errors in my assessment arising out of this basic assumption.
I have slightly adjusted the birth time to correct the D10 to cause Virgo rising
Birth Date: 30th Oct 1960, Adjusted Birth Time: 7:08 am , Birth Place Lanus, Argentina

We really need to understand what makes this man outstanding and a magician that he was. What yogas exist that give it a supernatural ability to rule and enchant the world the way he did especially in 1986 World Cup at Mexico. Remember that “Hand of God” goal, followed by the Goal of the century where he does a 60 metre run to outfox 6-7 British players. Still gives me goosebumps as a sports fan when I see it here.
First thing you should notice the planets in Digbala i.e. Mercury and Moon and at the same time planets in MKS Sun and Ketu. Which of these shall dominate?
The ascendant in Scorpio with Mercury and Venus in conjunction says it all. Mercury in digbala as 8th lord gives tremendous skills that will be transformational in nature. These are the people who are truly mercurial in nature both in a literal sense and from a jyotish perspective representing all traits of mercury. Note mercury goes to Bhagyamsa heralding fortune for the great man. Likewise Mercury has become an Uttama graha being in Scorpio again in D60 giving it the final seal of approval for superb end results on its own. On face value some astrologers would forecast doom for him since it is lording the evil 8th and 11th houses. This is where a good jyotishi should realise the meaning of blessings brought by Digpala devata (Kubera in this case) and refrain from making hasty conclusions.
Sun threatens to destroy his Rajya being the 10th lord debilitated in the 12th house of loss. However the tables are turned since Venus is giving neecha bhanga to Sun and will ultimately give Raj yoga, especially since Sun is also ruling the Navamsa lagna. It was between 1976 and 1981 where he rose to fame at Argentinos Junior club scoring 115 goals and securing a 4million USD transfer to Boca Juniors - See Sat/Venus Vimsottari dasa period.
Mercury and Venus are also in a Viparita yoga being 12th and 8th lords, while the dispositor Mars has gone to 8th house and in exchange with Mercury making the yoga all the more potent and transformational in nature. Managal as lagna lord in natural 8th house is not very bad in comparison with a moon or even jupiter for that matter and even more so if its in parivartana with its dispositor in a mercurial sign. The enemy is doomed on all counts and that is what happened in reality when he was on the pitch. The Mars Mercury exchange gave him the outstanding dribbling skills and exceptional ball control unmatched by any of his contemporaries. That this skill was intuitive is seen by the conjunction of his second lagnesha Ketu with Atmakaraka moon in digbala. Even Pele acknowledged that Maradona was gifted. Students should note Ketu is in a Fire sign in D10.
However the blemish of 8th lord in lagna will also materialise. Thus he lived in utter poverty in early life. He was always opposed to capitalism as he clearly expressed his dislike for the US (Gemini lagna). It also made him injury prone with his opponents taking him down mercilessly on the football pitch and Sun as varesha in debility in MKS only added fuel to fire.
Please realise every planet is capable of both good and bad effects. Its very rare to have all good or all bad from a yoga or planetary combination in a horoscope. Good jyotish students will keep this in mind before predicting results. Also note the papa kartari caused by neecha Sun and Saturn on lagna which is like a storm in his life. He was always mired in controversies on and off field with his private life. The Hand of God goal also caused considerable amount of polarisation in the football world with people for and against that peculiar event. My advise is to not be judgemental about any individual and do a holistic analysis based on facts sticking to jyotish principles. Has there been a perfect human being in this world ever? Shri Ram will forgive us for our blemishes if we just pay our humble obeisance to him.
Next shift focus to Atmakaraka Moon and the Arudha lagna. This should alone explain why he was coronated as a king of international football. Moon in Arudha lagna in digbala and exalted in Navamsa gives him eternal fame despite all his weaknesses. Moon represents culture and society and its conjunction with Ketu the other lagna lord makes him very enigmatic, loved and evoking huge emotions. The Arudha is your public image and how people generally perceive you. How many times we saw him make a baby face and cry on and off the pitch. Moon in digbala brings the blessings of Vayu deva and makes him very strong like Hanuman. Saturn as 3rd lord in 2nd made him corpulent.
Also note that both Saturn and Rahu being dispositors of AK are well placed in Navamsa guaranteeing that the diktat of the king i.e.Atmakaraka will be well adhered to. In June 1986 when he famously led Argentina to the world cup victory in Mexico he was under Saturn dasa Rahu antardasa. Jupiter was transiting his moon in AL in the 4th from lagna and trines to A5 (followers) and A4(comforts)well positioned to give him name, fame and reputation. While transit Saturn was retrograding on his 8th lord in lagna in scorprio in the 10th from his natal moon in Aquarius. Mars was trines to A8 which gave him the parakrama to fight and both Mars and Saturn retrograding at this time surely meant that victory over rivals would be a hard earned effort. Interesting to note their positions in D10 to confirm how they helped him succeed.
No wonder he is a revered personality not only in his country Argentina but also all around the globe. In India he was loved like one of their own and a football stadium is named after him in Kolkata.
Ketu in ayush debility threatens to cut short his longevity being the enemy of moon. While being the lagna lord it highlights that Maradona will inflict self harm making mistakes of judgement many times in his personal life being placed in the 4th house.
Moon being AK in a Saturnian sign in AL and its affliction by Ketu and Saturn give him addictions and a susceptible mind that brings him disrepute in certain circles and confirms the controversial nature of his actions at times. Rahu in the house of Surya will lead to battles or animus with the king and in march 2009 Italian officials announced that Maradona still owed the Italian government €37 million in local taxes.
Finally the Jupiter Saturn yoga (dhanesha in dhana bhava and 4th lord in 11th from it in 2nd house) in the house of wealth ensured he always had enough to sustain his peculiar life style. It is also the combination of 4th and 5th lord giving bhakti yoga and love for his mother. Somewhere deep inside Maradona had a strong belief system and he stuck with that even though it looked flawed from a worldly perspective.
There is lot more to this horoscope and I leave I to the readers to decipher and ponder.