Roger Federer
One of the greatest of all time tennis player has achieved more than what others of his era and before him have in terms of the impact he has left on and off field. Let’s try and identify some salient features of his horoscope.

Lagna lord Surya in 12th seems like a wrong horoscope for a person of his calibre and fame. No wonder he was asked to leave the compulsory military service in the Swiss Armed forces. Not many of us would have bet on his greatness at that point in history. Mars the yoga karaka for leo lagna is ok being in the 11th in an enemy sign, but importantly is in its own navamsa in Aries. It means that the Gods want him to succeed (learn the Amsya Tulya Rashi principle to understand why Mars’s navamsa position is being stressed). Nothing can stop him provided he listens to what the planet Mars demands. He did exactly that – taking on competitive sports despite the military debacle and serving as a ball boy at the Swiss Basel indoor tennis event. The shyness and his own lack of self belief was caused by an MKS Sun and that left the initial impact. Sun’s natural age is 21 and until then it will be a struggle for this great sportsman. No surprise that it was not until 2002 when Federer emerged into the top 10 of the ATP rankings. That was the day and there was no looking back from then on.
Venus in lagna being the 10th and 3rd lord promises Raj yoga if well disposed. It has the shubha kartari of Jupiter and Mercury which can bring every kind of success to the native and that too when in lagna. However the papa kartari of Saturn and Rahu will always give him sleepless nights and this is in the form of his opposition (being 6th and 7th lords) players. However Sun is forced into Virodha argala due to the Saturn effect from 2nd house and this ultimately tilts the balance in his favour. This is a very critical point of this horoscope analysis and students of jyotish should mark how things manifest in an unusual ways sometimes when argala and virodhargala combinations come into play.
Venus being the Amatyakaraka and 10th lord shows a soul level conviction in all his undertakings and being the dispositor of the Atmakaraka moon carries the orders of the king to give him lasting fame being placed in lagna and forming a yanavanta yoga. This gives him leadership in matters of showmanship and outwitting the opponents on centre courts – remember those long duels he had with Nadal and Djokovic. This is all the manifestation of this yanavanta yoga sandwiching the 5th and 6th lords. This is superb fate of luck for Roger since this moon is in the rajya bhava in D9 which seals the raj yoga leaving absolutely no doubt. Year 2006 with the advent of Moon Mahadasa Venus Antara and Moon/Sun Antara (taking Utpanna Vimsottari) was considered his best year of his career with Stephen Tignor, chief editorial writer for, ranking Federer's 2006 season as statistically the second-best season of all time during the Open Era, behind Rod Laver's Grand Slam year of 1969
Jupiter being 5th lord in 2nd house is beneficial in every sense ensuring huge fortunes especially being 8th lord and with Saturn the karaka of 8th. Please note usually Saturn in 2nd house is bad for wealth unless certain conditions are met. However being yuti Jupiter it has to honor its commitment of karka of 8th house and help the 8th lord in fulfilling its objective, which in case of Leo lagna will be long life and freedom from past life debts. More so with the fact that mercury its dispositor is in the 12th house of giving away. However the 8th lord always has a sting in its tail and for the same reasons mentioned above also caused severe illness to Roger in the form of bout of mononucleosisin early 2008 in Mars Mahadasa and Rahu Antar dasa and developed back problems in Mars/Jupiter period.
Those who have learnt from Guruji Shri Sanjay Rathji in the tradition will be quick to realise the Graha Malika yoga starting from Mars and ending in Moon. The end graha is very important and will determine the final outcome of good or bad. And we have already seen how Moon even though being the 12th lord has acted as a first rate benefic to fructify and sustain all raja yogas.
I encourage readers to further deep dive and identify other combinations in D10 especially scrutinising the 10th lord of the rashi chart Venus in depth to understand why he has been such a super success.