Herein I will be attempting to analyse in brief the horoscope of the Indian cricketing genius and batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar who is considered as one of the greatest cricketers of the world.
Specifically I have tried to identify some salient features that caused him to achieve such outstanding achievements from an early age and have a long and successful career for India over a number of years.

With a focus on career achievements its only apt that we glance first and foremost on his 10th house of career. Observe the exalted Sun almost at its peak 10 degrees in Digbala in the 10th house representing the Vishnu avataar Shri Ram himself. What makes it potent is that its dispositor is the Atma Karka and yoga karaka Mars exalted in the 7th house (though in marana karaka sthana) forming Ruchaka Mahapurusha yoga. Sun and Mars are both mutually beneficial to each other since the source of all fire in the solar system is Sun and Mars is the owner of the Agini tattva. In Kaliyuga and mrityu loka which is where we live, Mars must be prominent planet to confer Raja yoga. This functions from an early age since Mars and Sun own the 10th and 2nd house respectively.
Its conjunction with Jupiter the 9th lord causes the Dharma Karmadhipati yoga to manifest which is the highest raj yoga described by rishi Parashara as long as both Jupiter and Mercury are strong and in mutually beneficial relationship. Here mercury has signalled its intent to tango with Jupiter by entering his house in Pisces (and Jupiter although debilitated is getting auto nicha bhanga in company of Mars) and despite its debility is in parivartan with Ketu (students are advised to think - what happens if you happen to be at someone’s house and they happen to be at the same time in your office – would you argue or instead co-operate?).
10th lord in exaltation will make the native very competent in whatever he tries to achieve and Mars in Marana karaka sthana with support from Jupiter is signals heavy defeat for opposition forces. Mars in 7th house confer never ending energy to the native and such enthusiasm that it will ensure victory in all endeavours as long as the native is speaking the truth and is sincere in his karma.
Makara in the 7th house becomes the Raja rashi having the conjunction of Atma karaka Mars and Pitri Karaka Jupiter aspected by Bhratri Karaka Saturn giving a kind of parampara and bhakti yoga to the native which will make him listen to his guru Ramakant Achrekar (despite nicha Jupiter) and follow advice of his elder brother Ajit Tendulkar very seriously. It also shows attachment to ones father which is evident by the grief expressed by Sachin at the time of his father’s untimely death while representing India at the 1999 world cup.
AK Mars is also very close to its highest exaltation point and in Virgo Navamsa causing the end result to impact on the 3rd house of parakrama (use the Amsya tulya rashi principle) i.e. its his destiny to play competitive sports and have a combative personality (no wonder in childhood his class mates termed him as a bully). Mercury being the dispositor of Mars in D9 is in the 9th house of bhagya in the rashi D1 chart and will ultimately cause Sachin's fortune to rise.
Those who have learnt the Jaimini sutras will notice that the sankhya graha Jupiter is in conjunction with the Atma karaka and Varesha Mars giving him all the fuel to ignite the fire of tapas. Shakti is in the 3rd house and its kraka is exalted in 7th house and the lord getting neecha bhanga in 9th house giving the person the intellect to perform great deeds. Mars being the 5th lord in exaltation will grant him God like status with great following and devotion amongst younger men who will be ready to die for him. Its conjunction with Jupiter and A5 in 7th house which is also 9th from Arudha Lagna is most desirable as this increases the potency of this yoga manifold due to grace of Bhimashankar.
Notice that Lagnesha Moon is the weakest planet in the horoscope (which has a peculiar resemblance with the chart of Shri Rama, with regards to some some planetary positions) in the 6th house and company of most undesired nicha Rahu (the devil incarnate particularly for Cancer ascendant). This moon is also in nicha navamsa, although somewhat rescued by its dispositor Mars in exaltation in Rashi chart. Lagnesha in 6th house makes the person very clever in handling his enemies and if well supported by other planets can create havoc amidst their ranks. Tendulkar’s aggressive batting style and the desire to dominate opposition bowlers from the word go comes from Mars being his Atma karaka in a saturnian sign.
Its worth highlighting the Kala amrita yoga at this point for its indicates struggles that can be psychological and physical depending upon the planetary placements. Moon conjunct Rahu is capable of breaking the yoga independently, so is Jupiter in 7th. However the native is never free from its clutches until they turn spiritual and it usually haunts them until in their mid forties i.e. 42-48 the Rahu/Ketu maturity. Sachin had to carry the massive weight of expectations of his nation on his young shoulders for a long time, since the lagna lord Moon is himself involved in the initiation and breakage of this peculiar graha malika yoga. He always took it upon himself to carry India to match winning positions only to see India lose the match at the last minute and was often stigmatised by some cricketing experts for not being a genuine match winner and being able to carry his country to a World cup victory. While it is true to some extent, one can never question the sincerity of Sachin's super human efforts. The exalted planets in his chart speak for themselves and he is a great man who lives his life with great dignity and discipline despite his celebrity status.
Also notice the dispositor of lagnesha (Jupiter) if well posited and strong will grant good health and being also Rahu pati as in Sachin’s case will make the native fight the evil machinations of his enemies and become famous. Students are advised to study charts of Shri Rama and Shri Krishna to understand this point about Rahu pati better
Jupiter in A5 and in kendra to A10 indicates many awards and merits to be received during one's lifetime. Apart from the multitude of cricketing awards Sachin was also the recipient of the "Bharat Ratna" the highest civilian honor in India in Nov 2013 during Sa-Me period. Then Saturn was transiting in 11th from his natal moon and in 6th from his AL. He was also nominated as Member of the Rajya Sabha (the upper house of the parliament in India) between 2012 and 2018. This is better explained by looking at this Dasamsa D10 chart where Sun in Cancer is in exchange with Moon in Leo.
There are a few negatives though that I must highlight here to give a true holistic picture of the horoscope. Rahu’s conjunction with lagnesha is always undesirable and especially with Moon will make the native shy, sometimes wanting to avoid public interaction (it is well known that Sachin was mobbed by crowds wherever he went in India and he wanted to be just left alone to have some peace of mind) and even in doubt of his abilities at times. He admitted in a talk show in 2021 that he faced severe anxiety and stress before the matches he played for India and resorted to making tea, ironing his clothes (see karaka Venus conjunct Sun in 10th house offering an automatic remedy) . Doubtless to say Sachin was not known to be outgoing and is still considered to be very introvertish.
Being in a Jovian sign there will be an element of slander imposed upon the native from people acting as judges, jury, coaches etc. Re-collect the controversy in South Africa in November 2001 when Sachin was accused of ball to tampering by match referee Mike Deness in Jup-Ven period (Vimsottari staring with Kshema tara - note Venus is badhakesha hosting the old man Saturn in Arudha lagna). Transit Saturn was in Taurus in Arudha lagna and A8 bringing disrepute and ill fame on Sachin and also in the 10th house from his D10 moon. See how jupiter as a karaka(match refree) is seen implicating Sachin (assumed to be Rahu by Mike).
He also did not enjoy a great relationship with India’s former coach Greg Chappel during India’s disastrous 2007 world cup campaign (Jup-Ra dasa with Sa transiting in 8th from his natal moon and in lagna on A10 in cancer) which was a great setback for Sachin.
In Jup-Ra period in 2008 he was embroiled in a controversy where was asked to provide evidence as witness to the "Monkeygate" scandal (notice Ra in Sagittarius) involving his team mate Harbhajan Singh and the australian Andrew Symonds in the test series in Australia in 2008. Venus the badhaka for Sachin represents the Australian continent.
However Rahu is kept under check to a certain extent with its actions being effectively restrained by Moon who is resident with him and by the argala of Mars conjunct Jupiter. Moon loves the second from it mutually supporting Mars who hates the 12th from it. Moon in dusthana is generally not good for it makes the native shy away from society however in Sachin’s case a strong Shubhapati Jupiter went a long way in rescuing it and giving it the popularity that is quite unique and rare in a certain way.
Shani in badhak is also the Tithi lord in Visha Tithi carrying a snake like rahuvian energy with it. However its papa argala on the 10th house is blocked by Mercury from the 9th house which is the harbinger of good fortune. Notice that Sachin has a strong faith in Lord Ganesha visiting the famous Siddhi Vinayak temple many times effectively neutralising the badhakesha Venus in 10th house (Remember “Vinayakaya Hum” is the badhaka remedy mantra for 10th house. How strange that Sachin decided to choose this temple for worship.
Venus is also combust being quite close to Sun and this is good as this protects his reputation from unexpected harm from the opposite sex. Sachin despite his stardom carries a spotless reputation when it comes to his behaviour with women in general. This is in stark contrast to some of his high profile cricketing mates - as the likes of the late Shane Warne( the legendary Aussie leg spinner) who had his personal reputation in tatters given his scandalous interactions with some high profile ladies.
Saturn is in 11th house and is in papa kartari yoga of Ketu and Sun and its lord Venus is combust in the 12th from it in aspect of Mars and Rahu. Thus the 11th house is damaged to quite an extent and it forebodes evil for his friends in general. He had no elder siblings from his biological mother although he had 2 half brothers and 1 half sister from his dad’s previous wife. Badhaka carries Rahu’s agenda and will always manifest as something that is unorthodox in society. However Ekadash Shani is extolled by Parashara and usually confers good results if the native respects traditional values and listens to the advise of older people and is not cheating in disposition. Sachin personifies all this and Saturn will have to yield to his good demeanour and not block his Raj yoga indefinitely for Sun and Mars are too powerful and will have their share when the appropriate Dasa fructifies.
Not a negative by any way but notice that UL and A7 in Virgo are lorded by a debilitated mercury which should have indicated a younger spouse but for its parivartan with ketu that reversed the tables. Saturn in trines to UL would also indicate an elderly spouse. Sachin married a lady elder to him and has 2 children from her. Virgo is the office of Rahu and will leave its mark all over it, especially if it has drishti on the sign. Sachin’s marriage is viewed by some in India to be rather unconventional.
Sun in 12th from Arudha also invokes a slight flaw, since this makes him unsuccessful in captaincy despite his personal efforts to have his team win every time. Notice how the same planet from Lagna although favouring the native (making him the competent cricketer he was) is unable to add to his reputation due to a bad position from AL. Sun is also in the 12th house in D10 which indicates an inability of the individual. However it also suggest that the native is very giving in nature and will make generous donations to temples and during events like covid pandemic. Venus conjunction with Sun meant that he was nominated to champion the “Swaccha bharat” programme and has spent efforts on funding creation of toilets for the girl child. Moon’s aspect on 12th house made him sponsor “apanalaya” a Mumbai-based non-governmental organization associated with his mother-in-law.
The Sun Venus conjunction also indicates his father being a novelist and a poet of some repute in Marathi culture, whilst the Moon Rahu conjunction indicates his mother being a commoner working for insurance industry. HL in 5th house indicates his urge to be a performer on the cricketing field while GL in the 4th house show his belief in family values and the need to be grounded despite reaching celebrity status.
There are many other points to call out however my focus of this analysis was to highlight why this horoscope is not of an ordinary individual but is of someone special like Sachin. Hope you enjoyed reading it and learnt a few things.