Above posted is the Rashi Chart of Shri Krishna.
Some of you would immediately suggest this is the wrong chart. We are not going to be debating here about this. Shri Krishna's birth has always been a mystery and we all need to acknowledge there will be some level of controversy on his exact time of birth. So I would ask the readers of this blog to not dwell on this difference and rather join me in understanding some astrological principles which help us analysing charts.
Shri Krishna’s ancestral lineage is traced back to king Yadu (the son of Yayati a well-known king from the lunar dynasty in ancient times i.e. year 5000 BC). He is considered as the 8th incarnation of Shri Maha Vishnu and the most notable one for living beings to follow in this kali yuga.
By first principles from our Jyotish tradition all Vishnu avatar’s must have a powerful moon in lagna. Shri Krishna with an exalted vargottama moon in vargottama lagna is blessed with unmatched intelligence and high compassion signifying divinity.
Moon is involved in a Parivartan yoga with Venus posited in Cancer rendering both moon and Venus i.e. jala tattva extremely strong. This moon is also placed in the Navamsa lagna with Ketu indicating the power with Shri Krishna to grant Moksha.
The moon, venus exchange in the mutual 3/11 relationship is known as Yanavantaa yoga. Yanavantaa means the charioteer, in this case he is no ordinary one, rather the ultimate one who is born to provide deliverance to all souls from this planet. Venus being the lagnesha indicates his personal involvement and shows a person who has great leadership skills capable of winning hearts and minds. It also imparts superlative communication skills and a charming personality.
The Shakti is with moon (Jaimini sutra principle where Saturn and Jupiter aspecting a common sign imparts it with the power of the mother goddess) and being in lagna will protect the native even in dire circumstances.
Venus is afflicted being conjunct with Mars and Rahu in the 3rd house. This will cause Shri Krishna to be attacked by his enemies (note Rahu is also the tithi lord for him as he was born on Ashtami). However, the Parivartan yoga will always come into play to cause miraculous escapes.
If we consider the lordships then Rahu is 10th lord, Mars the 7th and 12th lord, while Venus is the 1st and 6th lord. This causes vipareeta yoga especially the conjunction of 6th and 12th in a dusthana, leading to losses for the enemies, although lagnesha getting involved does cause a blemish where Shri Krishna himself had to see several of his cousin brothers lose their lives in Kurukshetra in the great battle described in the Mahabharata.
It is well known that when lagnesha goes into the 3rd house the person can be a gallant knight provided other combinations support this. Note the karaka for fighting Mars in conjoined Venus and is getting neecha bhanga due to Moon and Saturn in lagna kendras rendering it very strong. Mars is also the 12th lord conjunct lagnesha and suggests that lord is very generous and of a giving nature.
Sun is the Atmakaraka having gained the highest degrees in the chart and is placed in the 4th kauluka representing the anahata chakra. This is symbolic of a person who is associated with bhakti. Sun is placed in the 5th house in Virgo in his navamsa chart making Virgo as the karakamsha. Leo being the 12th from it and ruled by Sun confirms Shri Krishna’s status as a very high spiritual soul and one worth worship.
The Sun is with zero digbala and aspected by Saturn and Rahu (12th aspect in reverse as taught in our jyotish tradition, caused by Rahu looking backwards when chased by the Sudarshan chakra) causing it a blemish, though somewhat mitigated by it being the 4th lord in own sign. This requires the person to generally keep away from battles and kingship and not indulge in governance. Shri Krishna was always considered to be a king maker rather than a king himself and he was never supportive of battles (being called as ranchhod das for having preferred to not fight Jarasandha). Contrast this with Shri Rama avatar. Worth noting that Sun is in a fire sign in kendra granting him an aura and a vision that is reflective of someone having a commanding presence in assemblies and conferences.
Saturn is the yoga karaka in the chart and in digbala in parivartan with Ketu in the 9th house. Being posited in the Abhijit rashi in the 4th from Sun indicates that he will raise his weapons only when Yama Dharma raja requests him to save this world from the clutches of the tyrant kings who don’t follow the path of truth and ahimsa. Saturn also aspects Moon the papa purusha destroying all evils.
Its aspect on Sun suggests a challenge to Shri Krishna’s father Vasudeva and it is clear from the travails Vasudeva had to endure at the time of Shri Krishna’s birth. Sun being Atmakaraka and in kendra to Saturn the 9th lord ensures a meaningful and peaceful end to the Sun. Saturn conflict, for the purpose of the 9th lord is to assist the Atmakaraka in self realisation.
Last but not least is the Jupiter, Mercury conjunction in the 5th house in his Arudha Lagna suggestive of a person having fame and reputation due to his teachings. The world associated Shri Krishna with Bhagvad Gita and the upadesha he gave to Arjuna in the battle field of Mahabharat. Moon in lagna and 9th from Arudha lagna imparts undying fame and ensures his teachings are remembered and revered centuries beyond his death. Jupiter is the 8th lord conjunct Mercury the 5th lord in exaltation confirming deep transcendental knowledge beyond human imagination and comprehension. It is also in graha yuddha being in same trimsamsha and indictive of a great war affecting his friends, elder brothers i.e. 11th house and family i.e. 2nd house. The physical place where this war will take place is in the 5th from this combination i.e. Makara the kali yuga rashi.
Being in the 5th house it suggests brahmins, learned and eager intellectuals all becoming his students or ardent fans when exposed to his presence in whatever form or manner.
Note the yama yoga formed by the presence of at least one planet in each of 3rd, 4th and 5th house of a chart. Shri Krishna was an expert wrestler having defeated kamsa hands on in a wrestling game and was much stronger than depicted in modern art playing the flute with gopis.
We must understand that the lord although is engaged in all material pleasures and actions (Venus conjoined Rahu and Mars) yet is fully self-realized and at ease deep inside (Sun, Saturn and Moon in kendras and Jupiter, Mercury in 5th house), a hallmark of a Vishnu incarnation.
There are many more aspects of his horoscope which are worth calling out where we analyse the Dasa’s and divisional charts in much detail to confirm his miraculous divine powers.
Until then
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!