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Shri Ram Jataka

Writer: Suraj SharmaSuraj Sharma

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Dear Jyotisha's


I'm posting here the chart of Shri Ram.

We have been taught in our jyotish tradition to start learning astrology by analysing the horoscope of Maryada Purshottam Shri Ram himself. It should reflect the story of Ramayana outright. Let's examine this at a high level to see if this is indeed the case with him.

As you can see his personality is defined by the towering Gaja Kesari yoga (Jupiter conjoined Moon) in lagna with Moon being the lagna lord himself to justify his status as a Vishnu Avataar. Lagna lord in lagna or exaltation, own sign gives high ideals and principles. It may or may not give good health. For that you need to check the Sun and Moon along with their dispositors. We are not getting into that for now.

Jupiter being the 9th lord in lagna shows high status where brahmins and learned will respect you and vice-versa. Jupiter is also 6th lord in exaltation showing that the enemy is powerful and extremely intelligent (Ravana). However, note that Rahu is debilitated in 6th house of enemies and Jupiter is forced to work for Rahu. Thus, the intellect of enemies i.e. Ravana and his clan is flawed fundamentally although they are very determined, following the wrong course of dharma.

Also note that Jupiter in lagna is aspected by malefics, i.e. a retrograde Saturn and Mars. This represents the curse of a brahman (remember the episode with Narada).

Jupiter also is indicative of Rishi Vashistha and Vishwamitra who taught him the knowledge of the Vedas, Upanishads(9th lord) and Warfare (6th lord). However being the 6th lord in lagna it also indicates the enemy attacking you or enemy around your birth place . Its dristhti on 7th house will give tendencies of brahmacharya, especially when Mangal is in the 7th house.

Ketu in the 12th from Moon (also from lagna) will disturb married life and bring undesired proposals (from Ravana's sister). However Moon is strong in own house and conjunct Jupiter and thus any such proposals don't stand a chance. However Ketu being in 12th from Jupiter and lagna brings high spirituality, and is supported by Saturn in the 4th house. Ketu has virodhargala on lagna and its dasa will cause renunciation for it is also the co-lord of 5th house Scorpio in 12th i.e. giving up of power. Ketu is debilitated (planet in debility causes the native to lack the appreciation for its karaka ) and so Shri Rama was not a hermit and instead a King, until its Dasa will cause it to rise and make Shri Rama give up the throne and leave the planet in the river Sarayu.

Moon in lagna indicates a person who has empathy and in a Jala rashi the emotions are even more heigthened. It is karaka of community, culture and natives with such a moon are always concerned about what society will think about them. Bhagvaan Rama could not ignore the words of the Dhobi who cast a slander on his wife Sita Maa. The aspect of Saturn and Mars on this Moon will bring disrepute to his image and even till this day many people are not impressed by his decision to abandon Sitajee.

Venus is exalted in 9th house and being karaka for wife and sisters it represents their high status, many lands, and all kinds of comforts. Jupiter's aspect on Venus shows utmost respect for women and Shri Rama considered every women other than his wife equal to a mother. Venus is also the 4th lord representing mother, however it hosts a retrograde Saturn who is also the 8th lord i.e. Rudra will be a cause of much sorrow in life. The 8th lords position is the most challenging placement in any horoscope and it must be studied carefully to predict shocking experiences in a person's life. Kaikeya his step mother did not hesitate to send Shri Rama for 14 years exile. However Rama's response will be dignified because of the exaltation of 4th lord. 7th lord exalted in 4th house means you love your spouse very much, and its aspect on 10th means the native expects his/her spouse to take a lot of responsibility in life. Shri Rama did not hesitate to send Sitajee to forest when his subjects demanded of him.

Note Moon is not only under a curse from Saturn and Mars aspecting it, the 4th from Moon is afflicted with Saturn, further 4th from 4th using bavat bhavam principles is also under affliction of Mars. This sums up the reasons for his exile and difficult experiences with mother.

Sun is exalted in 10th house in Arudha Lagn(gives high status as a king). Being the 2nd lord Shri Rama was born in Raghu kula in Surya vansha i.e. solar dynasty. Their status is well known and celebrated in the puranas. One such in the lineage was called Raja Harischandra known for his truthfulness, sincerity and integrity, who would refuse to cremate his son for he was bound to his word to Rishi. Another was Bhagirath after whose name is river Bhagirathi who caused the holy Ganges to come down on earth to absolve his ancestors of their debts to Maharishi Kapil. Rama's grandfather Aja decided to give his life as soon as his wife died suddenly, for he loved her so much and considered her his equal in every aspect. Such is the lore of the kings of the solar dynasty.

When Sun is exalted in a natives chart (provided he is born in daytime) it speaks highly of the persons father. King Dashrath once stood up to fight the Great planet Saturn realising his transit over Rohini nakshatra was anticipated to cause much destruction.

9th from the Sun shows how you relate to your father. Rahu debilitated here shows one who is unable to hold onto his father i.e. separated from father sooner or later. Saturn aspecting Rahu activates the Sharaddha yoga (akin to Saturn Rahu conjunction) to cause Shri Rama not have a chance to perform the last rites of his father.

Mars is the 5th lord in the 7th house, which shows you love your spouse very much, it also shows your followers and sons. Being in Marna Karak sthana it shows separation from children at some point in life. It also shows that his subjects (as per dharma the subjects of a king are akin to his children) will cause him death like suffering. This Mars is in exaltation and so the children will have high intelligence but will cause the native to lose a battle if not on the side of Dharma. In the entire Ramayana Shri Ram only lost one battle and that was to his sons Luv and Kush for he had abandoned Sita maa which was not dharma towards Sita maa (Shri Rama had chosen his subjects over his queen, so whilst he upheld his dharma towards his subjects which was a priority for a king it had the consequence of not doing the dharma of a married man i.e. abandoning his wife while being pregnant). Thus Mangal turns negative towards Shri Rama and causes him to lose the battle to his sons.

Interestingly Mars lords the 10th which is 5th from 6th house of enemies. This means Ravana's sons. One among them was Indrajeet. He was a skilled sorcerer and had pinned Rama and Lakshmana with naga fans and then on another occassion had Lakshmana mortified by shakti. However in this scenario we need to see who will Mars represent i.e. 10th house or the 5th house. Here we apply the male/female strength principle we learnt from the Jaimini Sutra. Mars is placed in an even sign and hence it will primarily represent 10th lord i,e Aries an odd sign in 7th house in marna karaka sthana. Hence the 10th lordship will suffer and thus all of Ravana's sons died in the battle while Sun in the 10th house in digbala will ensure Shri Rama is victorious despite all odds as it will manifest its domination over Rahu (in trine in 6th house - note planets in kendras will spread their influence on its trikonas)

The aspect of Jupiter on Mangal leads to Dharmakarmadhipati yoga which is extolled by Maharishi Parashara. This is along the 1/7 axis and his dharma will be tested in matters of his married life. Hanumanji (Mars in exaltation) comes to his aide to help him fight the battle with Ravana and get Sitajee back to Ayodhya. It also shows brothers who are ready to sacrifice their everything for you. Bharath did not accept the throne whilst Rama was exiled and Laskhman accompanied Rama to the forest. A malefic in 7th makes the person very kind and hence even when Ravana was defeated Rama offers to return back the kingdom to him.

Mars is in 7th from lagnesha hence the intellect and mind (moon) will be challenged in matters of warfare, battle tactics etc. So all his life Shri Rama is pulled into battles of every kind. Mars being a fiery planet helps being in 7th from lagnesha to not cause the agni to extinguish and gives an indomitable spirit. Mars being 10th lord in exaltation will make the person very fearless and will execute his work with perfection. Shri Rama's arrows were not supposed to miss the mark once they had left his bow.

Shri Ram is born on mid day and hence Mars which is a night strong planet is rendered ineffective to a certain degree and will either cause his spouse to die early (which is avoided by the Jupiter moon drishti on 7th house and the 7th lord being exalted ) or be separated time and again from him. Thus we can see how a single planet Mars in this case has both positive and negative implications by its placement, dignity and lordship in Shri Rama's horoscope. Skilled jyotishis should carefully assess all aspects of a planet and only then attempt a final prediction.

Mercury unafflicted is in the 11th house representing intelligent and rich friends (Veebheeshan and Sugriva). They will be met or come from foreign land and will contribute to fullfillment of Shri Rama's objectives of freeing Sita mata from Ravana. However he will lose some friends as mercury lords the 12th house of losses and younger brothers (people who are like them ). So Jatayu, the Vanar sainiks etc all lost their lives.

Now lets examine the Mahapursha yogas in the chart. Technically we have 3 Mahapurusha yogas in this chart i.e. Hamsa caused by Jupiters exaltation in lagna, Ruchaka cause by Mars exaltation in 7th and Sasya by Saturn's exaltation in 4th. When there is such a condition, usually one of the maha purusha yogas will dominate and be the main direction of the persons life.

In such as case we see the relative strength of the planets in kendras. Moon causes Jupiter's exaltation and is very strong in lagna with Jupiter itself in Digbala, compared to Mars which is in marna karaka sthana in 7th and its exaltation lord Saturn though exalted is retrograde giving effects akin to debilitation. Thus we can say that the Ruchaka mahapurusha yoga is not very strong.

Saturn's exaltation lord Venus is exalted itself and so challenging the Hamsa maha purusha yoga well. However we then judge the strength of the yoga by assessing the controlling tattva planet. For Sasa yoga it is Rahu the controller of Vayu tattva (Saturn represent Vayu tattva and will regulate it, however Rahu will determine the quantum of Vayu available in the chart), while for Hamsa yoga this is lagna the controller of Akasha tattva (Jupiter represents the ability to regulate/use the available akasha in the chart, however the lagna will determine how much is available. A varogttama lagna, strong lagnesha, lagna in akasha trimshamsha, presence of strong benefic in lagna all such factors help augment the akasha tattva). Here we see Rahu is debilitated in the chart while Lagna is rendered very strong with the Gaja kesari yoga with Jupiter in digbala exaltation.

Thus Shri Rama's personality will resemble the traits of a person having the highest Hamsa Mahapurusa yoga and his life a sterling example of it.



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